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Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)
Anatomy, physiology, pathology of the miraculous reproductive
How to recognize the natural patterns of our body, signaling us
which stage of the menstrual cycle a woman's at: Cervical Fluids,
cervix position, basal temperature. -
How to monitor and track a fertility chart.
How to manage menstrual pain or ovulating cramps.
The hormones controlling the menstrual cycle, and the connection
between them and our emotional state, using them for our own
advantage. -
Which kind of birth control is recommended for each woman
And most of all - learning to listen to our bodies, be its healer,
understand our bodies, become intuitive with its needs and aware of its language.
What could you benefit from learning the FAM method?
Women who learn the FAM method experience a deep state of empowerment and understanding towards their body and feel a relief being brought on by the ability to finally understand it and its needs.
They gain a better coping mechanism to deal with their changing mood and hormonal patterns,
regaining a confidence and a healthy, positive communication with their bodies and natural rhythmic cycle.
As an added bonus, the FAM technique can also be a successful tool to prevent or plan pregnancy in a natural, conscious way.
Syllabus -
Introduction to the rhythmical biological, hormonal processes of the woman's body.
The 3 major marks signaling the stage of the menstrual cycle: Cervical fluids, cervix position, basal temperature.
Fertility monitoring charts.
Birth control and contraception, menstrual pain management.
Q&A session.
*Important notice!
Understanding the FAM method takes time. We can't be expected to understand a whole new language in an instant. Practicing the method, reading the body's signals correctly - it all takes patience.
We are entering a new, feminine world, where everything takes time to grow, to build, to filter in... Therefore, we must allow ourselves patience, compassion and understanding as we slowly-slowly learn how to communicate with our bodies. You can start using the FAM method as a way to plan or prevent pregnancy only 3-4 months after you finished the course. It takes time to learn how to get in tune with our inner rhythms. Please, be gentle, kind, respectful towards to yourselves and to your bodies while practicing patience in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
To check times of the next FAM class, go to schedule
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